
Blizzard of 1978 snowfall totals massachusetts
Blizzard of 1978 snowfall totals massachusetts

The sound was different from that of any other – a deep belly howl with the voice of doom – full, long, and deafening. Nothing about this storm seemed ordinary. I felt as if I were transported into the wilds…. Bundled in every piece of clothing I had stored in the car, my senses switched to high alert. Thousands of us inched along the highways through the storm, hour after hour, never certain of our location, intent only on keeping the car moving through rapidly accumulating and drifting snow. By the time I started home in the afternoon, it was already too late for safe driving. My inner voice kept telling me to return home, yet lunch with a friend was an important goal. I had lived my entire life on the New England coast and I knew that this wind was unnaturally wild. I drove to work watching flags on buildings whipping crazily in a sleeting east wind, trying to convince myself that the "real" storm wouldn't arrive until afternoon, as predicted. Naturally, I, like thousands of others on Monday the 6 th, got into my car to carry on business as usual. Nowadays bad weather is simply an inconvenience which seldom interrupts our daily routines – so we tune in the storm alert system and tune out our senses. Nan Turner Waldron was living on Cape Cod during the Blizzard of '78 she remembered her terrifying drive home from work on the first day of the storm.

  • Using Mass Moments in Third Grade Classrooms.
  • Lesson C: A Young Colony Faces Challenges.
  • Activity 4: How the Puritans Celebrated Christmas.
  • Activity 2: High Cost of Following Other Religious Beliefs.
  • Activity 1: The Puritans’ Promise to God.
  • Lesson B: Religious Intolerance in Seventeenth-Century Massachusetts.
  • Activity 1: Creating Big Maps Showing Early Towns.
  • Lesson A: The First English Settlements in the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
  • E/MS Unit II: Building a New Society: Life in Colonial Massachusetts.
  • William Apess Presents a Different Point of View
  • Lesson D: William Apess and the “Mashpee Revolt”.
  • Activity 2: The Fate of Indian “Praying Towns”.
  • Activity 1: Accounts of King Philip’s War.
  • Activity 2: Establishing "Praying Towns" and Educating Indian Youth.
  • Activity 1: Examining the Puritans’ Goals in Relation to Native Peoples.
  • Activity 5: Creative Extension - County Maps.
  • Activity 4: Examining Historic Maps for Information.
  • blizzard of 1978 snowfall totals massachusetts

    Activity 2: Reading Early Settlers’ Accounts.Activity 1: Mapping Native American Tribes and English Settlements.Lesson A: Native American Tribes and English Colonists in Early Massachusetts.

    blizzard of 1978 snowfall totals massachusetts

    E/MS Unit I: Two Cultures Collide: Early Relations Between English Settlers and Indigenous People in Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay Colonies.Activity 1: Early Years in the Lowell Mills.HS Unit III: Voices of Labor - Working People Organize, 1925-1930.Activity 2: The Work of a Nobel Peace Prizewinner.Activity 3: Fifty Years’ Worth of Gains.Activity 2: The Difference One Individual Can Make.Activity 1: Nineteenth-Century Women Activists.Activity 2: Advocates for Female Education.Activity 1: The 1840s-How Things Stood for Women.Lesson A: Advocates for Higher Education.HS Unit II: Women's Struggle for Equal Rights, 1825 - 1930.Activity 3: Anthony Burns-Slave-Catchers Come to Boston for the Last Time.Activity 2: Comparing and Contrasting Two Points of View in Newspaper Reports.Activity 1: Analyzing the Fugitive Slave Act.Lesson D: The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850: A Case Study of Resistance.Activity 2: New Opportunities in Education.Activity 1: Panel Discussion/Debate: Integration v.

    blizzard of 1978 snowfall totals massachusetts

  • Lesson C: The Fight for Equal Education, 1800–1855: Two Case Studies of School Desegregation.
  • Activity 1: Interviewing Anti-Slavery Activists.
  • Lesson B: Men and Women, Black and White, Who Made a Difference.
  • Activity 2: Exploring the Mass Moments Website for Answers.
  • Activity 1: Starting With What Students Know.
  • Lesson A: The Struggle for Racial Justice, 1780-1863.
  • #Blizzard of 1978 snowfall totals massachusetts free

    HS Unit I: Free But Far From Equal: The African American Experience in Massachusetts, 1780–1863.

    Blizzard of 1978 snowfall totals massachusetts