In the next section, the dynamics build up with each phrase and then drop back down. Transitioning into the next section it quiets down, but not entirely down to piano. The first and second sections of the piece start off forte. Hearing the multiple notes together gives the piece a fuller sound in comparison to sounding hollow. This is helped within the second to last section with the chordal harmony. They sound very smooth and flow together. The quality is very consonant, meaning there is little tension while listening to the notes. To start off, the harmonic character is very constant throughout the entire piece. The beginning rhythm can be heard multiple times throughout the piece, with different responses between each time.įocusing more with the harmony and overall feel of the piece, there is a lot to look at. There is not much of a call and response among the different instruments, but the melody can be seen that way. The rest of the song goes back and forth between these two textures. It soon turns to melody with accompaniment. This is mostly due to the fact that the instruments play in different ranges. The song starts out as being heterophony, each section has the melody, but it played differently. There are parts where the lower sections stand out with having parts of the melody, but it is rare. The violins tend to hold the main part of the piece, with the lower sections holding on to the accompaniment. It is composed of all stings instruments, so there are 5 different layers.This includes two violin parts, viola, cello, and bass. The piece has a lot of texture throughout. At some points during the piece, the higher range with have the melody, while at other parts, the lower ranges come through with the main melodic piece. Since this piece incorporates an entire orchestra, the range is fairly large. When the second section comes up, the motions are much smoother. In the beginning of the piece, the notes are more separated.

Mozart changed up the interval sizes between small and large to help the piece move. While looking at the melodic characteristics of this piece, there is a wide range between conjunct and disjunct. The piece “Eine Kleine Nachtmusik” composed by Mozart shows a wide range of musical elements from the melody, texture, and harmony.